Saturday, May 28, 2011


l-r:Elders Johnson.Brewer.Hernandez.Stevenson.Goodwin.Garcia(in front).Berrett

Garcia(front).Pres Veirs.Pehrson.Salazar(front).Craigo.Maciel(front).Rodgiguez &Salas (front)

BAPTISM for Elders Salas and Goodwin

1 comment:

  1. Hola Hermana,
    I served in Honduras SPS between May '06 and May '08. I'm very happy to have found your blog! You & your husband are serving in the best mission in the world, as I'm sure you already know! I actually found your blog when I was searching to see if Colon was a stake yet. I served in Coyoles and while I was there, there was a big push to do everything necessary to be a stake. I was wondering if you could tell me if they have achieved that goal yet. Please respond to my email

    Thank you!
